Monday, January 25, 2010

Church Visitor Letter Sample ONLY FOR CANADIANS!!! Do You Live Near The US-Minnesota(mannitoba)/ Canada Border?

ONLY FOR CANADIANS!!! Do you live near the US-Minnesota(mannitoba)/ Canada border? - church visitor letter sample

Okay. That's my business. I am 22 years old, my husband is 24 I'm from Minnesota and is a Mexican. We have together for 7 years and has a beautiful son together 14 months old. He was brought here illegally when he was in the second year and speaks English and Spanish. I had been given an interview in Mexico in April to a green card and was dismissed because he admitted trying marijuana, four years ago and left the psychiatrist that he hooked on cigarettes .... 4 months ago Although the toxicology screen were all negative. It is an honest and dedicated to his family and has no interest in drugs. I'm nursing a student and it does not tolerate. Our claims lawyer Consulate scams people for money, which seems quite common. sucky! His whole family is in the United States and in Mexico. We get a visa to live along the United States (Minnesota) at the border from Canada to live because I like 3 hours drive from the border and then ... will be a hell of a lot better than he did in Mexico. I know that the visitor visaonly 6 months, so we want to get a work visa in order to prolong his stay. He stands outside of the United States until January 2012, when a waiver may be trying to appeal the decision. I'm all for someone to "sponsor", which is essentially to write a fake letter that you personally know and are prepared to stay with you no good (real) d Or am I looking for "Business / Business / Church and give They help us to accept an offer for only a working visa. I hope that someone needs in the near Sprague, Manitoba, but to be honest ... We are desperate to find and need help. I miss my husband and my son to see his father. help if you have a way to .... Our common e-mail address is please ... we are trying to find a way to a little more in these difficult times!


Randy B said...

Even if you say that your husband is a good and honest man, who apparently no way to come here looking for someone to commit fraud? Wonderful. Exactly the kind of people we want here in Canada.

Madmunk said...

Rachael, you have the Tex-Mex border, and perhaps even a place on the Mexican side. As things go in the U.S. and soon in Canada, could be better in Mexico. The only smell in the air, the smell of freedom. Your little guy is bilingual, very fast and it's a big advantage

Randy's old friend, you're just bad. It is very irregular. Hang your head and go to confession. These children have a problem 20 years ago would ever have a problem. Oh yes, pray after you leave the cabin for them. And even!


Madmunk said...

Rachael, you have the Tex-Mex border, and perhaps even a place on the Mexican side. As things go in the U.S. and soon in Canada, could be better in Mexico. The only smell in the air, the smell of freedom. Your little guy is bilingual, very fast and it's a big advantage

Randy's old friend, you're just bad. It is very irregular. Hang your head and go to confession. These children have a problem 20 years ago would ever have a problem. Oh yes, pray after you leave the cabin for them. And even!


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